
Sunday May 30, 2021
Becoming the Holy District: The Non-Linear Leadership of the Holy Spirit
Sunday May 30, 2021
Sunday May 30, 2021
In episode three of our series, Ericka shares about the Holy District planting team's experience of the exciting and unpredictable nature of the Spirit. Join us as we consider the initial vision and model of the Holy District, do some personal reflection about the Spirit's leadership in our own lives, and laugh about the the many false starts the Holy District encountered during its first year.

Sunday May 09, 2021
Quick Update from Ericka
Sunday May 09, 2021
Sunday May 09, 2021
In this update episode, Ericka invites listeners to take the next two weeks to share their insights, questions, and feedback following our last two episodes. In the absence of new content from the Holy District, we hope you will listen to this podcast series produced by the Bible Project on the concept of justice.
Submit feedback via email to Ericka at ericka@holydistrict.org no later than May 23 to be included in the response episode(s) we create. Grace and peace!

Sunday May 02, 2021
To My White Siblings in the U.S. Pt. II- The Better Question
Sunday May 02, 2021
Sunday May 02, 2021
We continue our efforts to engage our cultural moment from a Jesus-centered perspective. Join Ericka this week as she offers a series of opportunities to reflect on the person of Jesus, Scripture, and our typical responses to instances of police brutality and race-related news stories in our media.

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
To My White Siblings in the U.S.
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
In this episode, Ericka responds to recent incidences of police brutality in the US with an opportunity for white Christians to engage in thoughtful reflection and lament.
Books referenced in this episode:
Trouble I've Seen: Changing the Way the Church Views Racism by Drew Hart
Might From the Margins: The Gospel's Power to Turn the Tables on Injustice by Dennis R. Edwards
I'm Still Here: Black Dignity in a World Made for Whiteness by Austin Channing Brown

Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Becoming the Holy District: Closed Doors and Ugly Babies
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
Sunday Apr 18, 2021
The story continues as Holy District Founder and Neighborhood Pastor, Ericka Henry, reflects on the ways God worked through a series of misunderstandings and false starts to reposition her to pursue the ministry of the Holy District.

Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Becoming the Holy District: Reclaiming Holiness and the Earthy Kingdom
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Join us as we begin the first of several episodes recounting the winding and unexpected journey of becoming the Holy District. In this episode, founder and neighborhood pastor, Ericka Henry shares about the two key theological shifts in her journey with Jesus that laid the foundation for the vision of the Holy District.

Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Easter Meditation III: Resurrection Sunday
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Join us our final installment of our contemplative Easter podcast series. In this episode, Ericka guides us through several different ways to contemplate this question: What does it mean to live according to the reality of the resurrection?
For ease of listening and re-listening, you can use the following time stamps:
Two Views Reflection- 3:35
Prayer of Examen- 13:30
Luke 24 Meditation- 20:10

Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Easter Meditation II: Good Friday
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Sunday Mar 28, 2021
Join us for episode two of our Easter Meditation series. In this episode, Blake and Ericka introduce the HD community to the practice of Ignatian Contemplation and share a spoken word inspired by Mary, Mother of Jesus.
For ease of listening and re-listening, you can use the following time stamps:
Ignatian Practice- 3:50
You Watched Him Die- 10:51

Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Easter Meditation I: Mary of Bethany
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Sunday Mar 21, 2021
Join us for our first of three special podcasts designed to help our community contemplate the person and passion of Jesus as we move toward Easter Sunday. In this week's episode, Ericka leads us through the practice of Lectio Divina and shares an original poem inspired by John 12:1-11.
For ease of listening and re-listening, you can use the following time stamps:
Lectio Divina: 4:39
Your Feet Meditation: 12:33

Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Coffee + Mark with Brooke Norton
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Sunday Mar 14, 2021
Close out our Coffee + Mark with Ericka and her good friend, Brooke Norton. In this episode, Brooke offers an insightful reflection on Mark 5 and challenges us with a question inspired by the disciples of Jesus and their response to him in Mark's gospel.
If you'd like to connect with Brooke about her spiritual life coaching work, you can find her at:
Website: www.brookesara.com
Social Media: @brookiesara